Nice one again,Ryan 👍. Hope you're feeling better. Yes, we did well against Newcastle and yes,there was a period around their second goal where they took control but Marc Leonard in particular didn't let them. It was a studs up challenge on Leonard and that's when the game left us. Miley should have gone.

I hope it's not a let down against Cambridge on Tuesday. Win that and the gap starts to look good.

I wonder if they'll be selling half and half scarves for that one 🤔?

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Brilliant post, Ryan. I’ve been a Bluenose for over 50 years but live away and fairly rarely get to a game. Your analysis is superb and makes me feel as involved as ever with the action! Watched the game on the BBC and felt so proud.

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Another fine report, Ryan. I have to congratulate you on summing up what I took of the game. Your reports are only second best to actually being there.My fan experience almost mirrors yours. I have lived a long way from Birmingham for over 40 years. There are constant problems with transport (trains) or parking. Yet, this year I bought my first ever season ticket (senior, early bird rate) and readily put my ticket up for resale, if the ground is full. Also, ironically maybe, joined the cup ticket option. However, due to train disruption again, couldn't see Newcastle match, apart from MOTD (unusually supportive). Totally agree with your comments about the game. Thank you. I feel very proud of our club.

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